For Schools and Colleges

The ACE English Box for schools – Now completed and being shipped.  This program is ideal for school students from 3rd standard on.

The ACE English Box for colleges and adult students – Under development.  This is a version with pair work exercises instead of songs for college students and adults studying basic English. 

The ACE English Box for young children – A completely new set of exercises featuring videos, songs, and simple English drills for preschoolers and students in the early grades.

Online Apps

  • An app version of the ACE English Box with added items, like quizzes and simulated pair-work.
  • An app version of Advanced English exercises for adult students who have already studied the ACE English Box series.
  • A Pronunciation Enhancer to help learners develop a natural speaking voice in English.
  • Listening Comprehension Practice App.
  • Vocabulary Building Practice App.


Our first project :

ACE English Box Songs!

Our complete selection of children’s songs for young English learners are on our YouTube channel, Facebook Page and Instagram account. 

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