Is there a better way to learn spoken English?
Bye-bye Blackboard.
We are here to augment the existing English teaching system in your institution or community. Take a look at our projects!
Hello English!
The Ace English Project concentrates on improving the spoken fluency of English among Indian youth and create a generation of confident students.
Starting early.
There is tremendous demand in India for effective yet affordable spoken English training. While great expense and massive effort has gone into teaching written English there has been little opportunity for learners to practice speaking and listening.
The ACE English Box is a set of spoken English drills for the Indian classroom. It comes in a “box” which is a mini-computer that connects to a television set. The lessons deliver 15-minute exercises that build fluency, develop student’s confidence, and introduce native English speaker voices to the classroom. The “magic” is the effectiveness of the program, its flexibility, and its incredible cost advantage. The exercises support and enhance any existing English program a school may be using.
Pictures/Audio Cues + Text
There are two kinds of exercises in the ACE English Box. One has pictures that aid developing language skills and stories. Another has audio that corresponds to text lessons.
These exercises are aimed at progressively improving spoken and communicative English of young learners.
About us
Our first project, the ACE English Box, uses academic content made by international linguistic experts come together to make a constructive spoken English learning tool for non-native speakers of the language.
The magic of English in a box!
The ACE English Project has digitized a series of drills and exercises that encourage students to speak English in the classroom, that exposes them to natural speech of native English speakers, and teaches vocabulary in written English. The results have been impressive.
Reports from schools using the program are glowing. Teachers are grateful for the support materials and say that the drills help them improve their own speaking ability. Students appreciate the opportunity to practice speaking and develop confidence.
We are continuing to work on developing new programs that cater to the spoken English needs of adults and kindergarten kids, next.