
Effective, Affordable English Fluency

A better way to English fluency.

The ACE English Project is dedicated to providing cost effective solutions to improve English fluency for learners all over the world. Educational content developed by international linguistic experts is delivered to classrooms and individuals using the most affordable and appropriate technology.

Our Goal

Our goal is to provide effective and affordable English fluency to as wide a group of learners as possible. In developing countries there is a direct correlation between a person's spoken English ability and their social and economic potential. Technology allows low-cost access to lessons that can truly change lives.

Our Projects

Our first project is the ACE English Box, a series of short drills and exercises that introduce native speaker voices into the classroom and get students speaking English in class. Next will be a similar project for adults and then for young children. And finally, a series of apps for smart phones.

Get Involved

Become a part of our projects with creative ideas that can augment our work, with a donation that can fuel English education for the under privileged, or simply by spreading the word! We have an ambitious program lined up and can use all the help we can get. Your contribution is important!


The active ACES.

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